I had my monthly checkup today at 16weeks and 1 day and everything looks good. My blood pressure was up, not dangerously up, but higher than last time. Dr. T thinks it may be due to the Tylenol allergy medicine have to take at least once a day. The sinus headaches are getting really bad. So, now I have to go to an allergist. One week from today I have the 17 week ultrasound and they will tell us "for sure" that it's a boy. I'm just looking forward to seeing him again!!
A few weeks ago I went to the mall with my friends MW and SL, both IF survivors and both a great source of support for me. MW has twin girls, about 1 year and SL has one 2 year old boy. I thought it was going to be a little torturous, I have to admit. I'm not a big fan of malls and the chaos of the kids.......well, you can probably understand. It was actually a lot of fun. We ended up in the food court and I watched SL run after her toddler while I ate my C.hick-fil-a and MW fed the girls cheerios. They fired off advice and I tried to keep up. Strollers, diaper bags, clothes, swings....it came at me pretty fast. I just kept eating and thought about how I hadn't set foot in a B.abies-r-Us in over a year. All of a sudden, SL gave a little scream. "He just peed on me!" She had just changed her son's diaper, but forgot one crucial detail: you have to point his little peeps down. Otherwise, it's everywhere but the diaper. I have to say that I can't remember any of the advice that was given to me, but I will never forget what I learned that day - point it down.
We have had a few BFPs and it's so great! I am also thinking about everyone who is still waiting for theirs. I'm always thinking of you.
2.23 / the world is forgetful
4 years ago
AND *i've been told Wipe warmers are a necessity for boys ( but i do not have kids so i am passing on assvice)
Glad it wasn't tortuous for you
Thanks for the "point it down" tip. Glad to hear all is well!
'Point it down' - that is funny stuff! I'm so glad that you are able to get such great first hand information about all things baby. The big day will be here before you know it! :)
I did nto knwo you're having a boy! congratulations!!!!
Great adivice! LOL.
I'm laughing my ass off right now, because I made that mistake several times before anybody cared to point it out to me! Hell, I've got a few more boy things I can share. I should email you. Yep, that will take my mind off things.
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