*Baby picture below*
We're home! It was so weird to leave the safe confines of the hospital, but we have managed. Last night was a bit rough, but we've figured out that he'll sleep in the car seat, so that should make things easier. The breast feeding challenges continue. I am still using the shield and have gotten a device that will help make my nipple protrude more (sorry). We also went to the ENT today and got Luke's frenulum clipped. It only took a minute and even with a little blood in his mouth, he didn't cry. He latched on a little better after that, but we still have a ways to go. Other than that, we are doing fine and totally in love.
Thank you, Kate, for your comments about tongue tie. M didn't get his clipped until he was 28 and it was very painful. We wanted to spare Luke the same fate and your comments only made me feel we made the right choice.
Also, thank you so much, Anla, for the beautiful card. It made me cry. Thank you to everyone for the comments and support. :)
Without further ado..............
2.23 / the world is forgetful
4 years ago