Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Leaving Home

I've done quite a bit of thinking and I have decided to move my blog to a new place. I feel good about it and am really excited about my new "home". It's not going to password protected, but I am not going to post the link here. If you follow me on Twitter, I am posting the link there and if you are a Braces Buncher the link will be there, as well. Otherwise, please leave me a comment and I will send you the link. I really, really hope you will come and visit my new space!


cd0103 said...

Yes, please send link

Beth Kyle said...


Courtney said...

Me three please...

Life in Eden said...

Yes, yes. I'm not a twitter bug ... yet.

Anonymous said...

I'm not on Twitter just FaceBook, I would like the link also. sebring12 at verizon dot net

TeamWinks said...

May I follow?

Chris said...

Me please! cnapierk at aol dot com

Susan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lindsey said...

I'd love to follow:
lindseylieneck (at) yahoo (dot) com

Karen Cahill said...

Please send it to me via facebook. :)

Mazzy said...

Please do send! :)
smellslikemel at gmail dot com

Fit & Fierce Mama said...

can you send me the link please? jkleisner at Thanks!

Kate said...

I have been horrible at commenting, but I am still reading--and would love to follow you to your next home. Email me a link at nolongeranoption at g mail dot com. Thanks!

Amanda said...

Send me a link please!

Caro said...

I'd love the link

Gil said...

Eeek! Yes please... find me at Jiliana2 (at) gmail (dot) com.

Mama Bear said...

I was wondering why I wasn't seeing things in my blogroll. Glad you're still posting. If you're still checking these comments, would love the link: stickybun07 at gmail dot com.