Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Only Constant In Life

Busy, busy, busy. It's been work, mostly. My company was awarded a massive contract. We will be building the next generation s.pace s.uit! When we go back to the moon, the astronauts will be wearing suits that were made by my company. We are a small division in a large corporation, so this win was a big deal for us. We also beat out a company that has the current s.pace s.uit and has had that contract since the A.pollo days. It is a big deal for us. I think about the fact that this is the s.pace s.uit that Luke's generation will be wearing and I get to play a small role in that. Since I am in HR, we've been plunged into resume HELL.

In cycle news, it's cd13 and no sign of ovulation or even two bars on my CBFM. Oh, well. We'll see. I'm very interested to see where this goes.

One of my dearest friends is moving away on Saturday. I have been trying not to think about it too much. She is one of those friends that I can always go to. She was one of the people who came to get me out of the house right after Luke was born and made me take walks so I could get some fresh air. We love all the same things and can talk for hours. She also got me back into yoga when I needed it the most. I know that we will keep in touch and probably try to work out some visits, but you know how it is. Things aren't quite the same after you move away. You loose track of each other's daily lives and there is an inevitable distance that accompanies the geographical divide. I am happy for her because she wants this move, but there is definitely a hint of sadness that goes along with it. It's odd to feel this way as an adult. I have a husband and a child and many other friends, but I feel like I'm twelve again and my BFF is moving away. I was just starting to feel like I had things together, too. It's like the saying goes, the only constant in life is change.


Nic said...

You know, I don't think we ever feel any different regarding friends when we're adults to when we're children - from exactly what you're saying, to fights you have, to how much you come to rely on certain friends. I hope the distance only has a teeny effect, and that you have that 'no matter how long it is since you talked, you're still best buds' thing.

Alison said...

How true the things nic said. Good friends are hard to come by and to loose one to distance is always hard because you are right, it's not the same. I really hope you can stay close.

AwkwardMoments said...

WOW, how cool is that to make the next suit!

I am sad to read about your friend moving. It is never easy for a goodbye.

MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

It really stinks when close friends move away - but it doesn't always spell the end. My best friend moved to the other side of the country when we were 12, and we have stayed very close. Myspace and email are great for keeping in touch!

MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

It really stinks when close friends move away - but it doesn't always spell the end. My best friend moved to the other side of the country when we were 12, and we have stayed very close. Myspace and email are great for keeping in touch!

Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

I migrated recently and it was a very hard time for me as well, to be away from my best friend.

And you've said it so well - the only constant in life is change.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear your friend is moving away. I would be devastated if my BF ever moved away!

Teal Marie Chimblo Fyrberg said...

This is so sweet. You wrote about ME, little me?...that makes me feel special, really. I love you too BFF.