I mean that literally. I have started getting wicked sinus headaches and have found out that there is really nothing you can take for them while you're pregnant. (At least nothing that works.) It has been raining every day for a month here in H.ouston and I can only imagine what the mold count is. That gets me every time. Usually, I would take my heavy duty medicine, but those days are over. I went home yesterday after being at work for only three hours and spent the rest of the day with a wet cloth on my face. It kept repeating t myself, this is all going to be worth it, this is all going to be worth it. It eventually let up later in the evening, but it was pretty rough there for a few hours.
Other than headaches, I am getting very excited about my ultrasound on Tuesday and can't wait! I hope everything is ok and that we have a good result and a smooth "graduation" to my regular OB/GYN, Dr. T. I have started to get more of an appetite, but I still can't eat meat. The thought of it is so unappetizing. I have been eating rice and beans non-stop so I can get some good protein, but that's getting kind of old.
I took out my belly button ring last night. I've had it for ten years now. We had a good run, but my pants are getting tight and it's starting to rub. I am almost ten weeks and my pants don't really fit. Is it too soon for that? Am I gaining too much weight? I have to go and get some new pants this weekend, but I don't know if I should go ahead and get maternity or just bigger pants. I guess these are good problems to have, right?
Congrats to H2H who had a good ultrasound! I am really thinking about everyone who is starting a new cycle or feeling discouraged. We are all wishing you a lot of love and I hope you can feel it.
2.23 / the world is forgetful
5 years ago
10 weeks already? AWESOME!!!!!
I am sorry about the headache... I hope that the good news from your next U/s makes all go away! for good!!!
Take care!
So sorry about the yucky headaches and grats on 10 weeks!!
I hear you loud and clear with the headaches/mold factor. It stinks!
Congrats on 10 weeks - that's exciting stuff. My pants were uncomfortable around then too from crazy bloating. Hang in there!
I can feel it! I feel the love!!!
Thank you. :)
It sounds like things are going well, minus the headaches. I am sorry that you were feeling so terrible. However, going to buy maternity clothes has to be a good feeling - you are turning another corner!
Wow! I bet the 10 weeks have just flown by. Other than the headaches, you sound like you have a really good vibe going right now. Have you ever tried one of those neti pot nose flush things? I find them a bit bizarre and would probably drown myself trying to use on, but I have heard that are really good for sinus problems. But they might only help if you are congested too. Feel better and have fun shopping!
Wow--10 weeks! I would give my right arm to fast forward to where you are right now. (I realize that you didn't, so it woudl be slightly unfair, but whatever...) I hope everything looks great at the u/s on Monday!
I'm sorry about the sinus infection. Ugh! Those are the WORST and I can't imagine not being able to take my beloved sud*fed. Hang in there!
Congrats on the ten weeks! How exciting!!! I read that at eight weeks your clothes will feel tighter around your waist so I would say you are perfectly normal! Heck, your almost three months pregnant, it will be here before you know it! Sorry about the headaches, I hope they get better!
Thinking about you and your u/s on Tues!
I hope the ultrasound goes well today! You're getting so close to the end of the first trimester.
i just read that claritan is an appoved drug for pregnancy - will that help you any?
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