Fear is now my constant companion. It greets me in the morning if I wake up with breasts that aren't as sore as they were yesterday. It follows me to the bathroom a zillion times per day to make sure there isn't any more spotting. I try to ignore it and pretend it isn't there. That seems to make it worse.
In the latest issue of Y.oga J.ournal there is an article about fear. I thought about it last night and re-read it. It is an amazing piece. The author, a psychiatrist, talks about how she helps her patients embrace the fears that paralyze them from day to day. Through some meditative examination about what the fear actually is, her patients name the fear, dissect the fear and are able to make friends with it. I thought it all sounded like a load of crap at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I knew she was right.
When I lived in Boston I had an upstairs neighbor that was a real piece of work. Everyone warned me about her as soon as I moved in. Any little noise would either send her to her front balcony to scream at me for being to noisy, or to the complex office to complain. One morning as I left for work, she came out on her balcony to yell at me for closing the door to loudly. I marched up the stairs and stuck out my hand. I introduced myself, apologized for any loud noise and told her that if she had a problem she could come down and politely discuss it with me. There were no more problems after that.
Maybe fear is just something I will have to live with. Just like that upstairs neighbor. I think I need to learn to embrace it, examine it, and try not to let it overwhelm me. It's not going to go away and (hopefully) when I give birth to a healthy baby, a whole new set of fears will set in.
I am still pretty tired, but not overwhelmingly so. After teaching for six years I think my idea of "tired" might be a little off. The waves of nausea have become a little more frequent, but still aren't too bad. I tend to wake up in the middle of the night and I still have no appetite to speak of. (I had six pieces of bacon for lunch yesterday.) My first ultrasound isn't until Thursday, so I will try to distract myself from the worry and excitement.
I have a pdf version of the article about Fear and it really is very good. If you want a copy of it e-mail me and I will send it to you. You can also find it in the August issue of Y.oga J.ournal.
2.23 / the world is forgetful
4 years ago
I'd love a PDF of the article - my email address is serenitynowinfertile at gmail dot com.
Fear is tough to conquer, but lately I've been trying to use the "acknowledgement" strategy - acknowledge that I'm scared and yes it's normal to be scared, and so it would be weird if I wasn't scared.
Combine that with the "take it a day at a time"... I seem to be coping ok.
I hope, anyway.
I cannot tell you how many times i said "I'm scared" this week alone. I could use all the coping skills availible. Please email it to me as well.. farahbeth @ gmail dot com
I hear you on the fear thing. Hopefully it gets easier to control as the weeks progress.
Congrats on the great betas! I'm sure the ultrasound will be beautiful.
I'm scared too, and I can only imagine how scared I will be when I (hopefully) have a healthy baby who depends on me for everything. I'm a worrier in general, and let me tell you ... this IF thing has NOT helped matters.
Please send me a copy of the article too. leah_conway at yahoo dot com. Goodness knows I'm scared of everything these days!
I lived in a state of terror between + betas and the heartbeat ultrasound. It was far worse than the 2WW, that's for sure. I won't bother telling you to relax, because that's just silly for me to say.
I'll just tell you that I'm praying for you, and will continue to do so!
It is completely human to have fear and to use it as a form of protection. Hoping that each day brings you more confidence with this pregnancy.
I fear FEAR. I'd love to read the article. Thanks.
A doctor once told me that FEAR was False Evidence Appearing Real and it's all about dealing with it instead of stressing about it. I do hope the u/s on Thursday goes well. I will cross my fingers for you.
Hey, I would LOVE a copy of the article. I could certainly use it right now...
Oh forgot my email address - nearlydawn at gmail dot com
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