So, the second set of numbers are back. My hcg was 1272 and my progesterone was 41. This means that my hcg has doubled every 48 hours, which is good....right? I go in next Thursday for my first ultrasound and I will see Dr. Fast again. I'm nervous about it. I just hope there's something in there.
I spoke with the nurse a little bit. Although I was not on any meds this cycle she said that I probably would have been on progesterone, given my low levels. So, I guess my suspicions were right. She called it "subfertility". Yeah, no kidding. I just hope it proves to be my only issue for the next nine months. I can't shake this feeling of wanting to be really happy, but feeling like I don't want to jinx it. I know M feels that way, as well.
I am going to go back to Yoga on Thursday and give it a try. There aren't too many restrictions during the first trimester. Just no inversions or twisting. I'm just afraid to move right now. I'll have to get over it soon, though, because my house is such a mess!
Happy 4th everyone!
2.23 / the world is forgetful
4 years ago
Doubling every 48 hours is good. High progesterone is good. Everything is on track! I can't wait to hear about your first ultrasound.
Things are looking good for you lady! Congratulations again and keep the good news coming!!!
"I can't shake this feeling of wanting to be really happy, but feeling like I don't want to jinx it." I feel the EXACT same way. I go back for my next beta on Friday. I gave up my beloved kickboxing and have resorted to just doing the treadmill. I was going to try and do my regular routine for 45 minutes last night and after about 10 minutes I realized I was too tired so I motified it a lot. I'm going to try and find a prenatal yoga class.
I really, really hope that things continue to progress nice for both of us!
Whoo hooo! Cant wait for the first ultrasound=)Happy 4th!
This is such good news.can't wait to hear news from the next stage.
Fabulous Numbers !! I wish yout he best for the next visit. I hope yoga will help ease your mind a little. Blessings to you - Happy 4th
Awesome Numbers!!!! Can't wait to hear (and see pics) from the first u/s!!
great numbers Kate... I'll be praying that you see your little on the U/S... Take care and happy 4th!
I'm so glad your numbers are looking good!! Grow, baby, grow!
Yeah for doubling betas!! I'm just so excited for you, and can't wait to hear about the ultrasound.
I agree with you - I bet the short luteal phase was due to a progesterone deficiency so it's good that you are on a supplement now.
Grow, baby, grow!
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! This is the first time I've read your blog in several days. WOW!!! Congratulations!!!!!
I can relate to your mixed emotions. I too am dying to go crazy and celebrate this pregnancy but at the same time I am forcing myself to hold off. It's a combination of not wanting to jinx it and not wanting to get my hopes up.
I am really happy for you. Congrats!
It looks good from where I'm sitting! I don't blame you for being cautious, I would be the same way.
Fantastic numbers - yippee!!! It's hard not waiting for that shoe to fall but try to enjoy these days while you can. There is NOTHING like it.
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